Clinicea Cloud: CallBox & CRM

Welcome to your Clinicea Cloud: CallBox & CRM

If you have the CRM module, and create a new patient

If you do not have the CRM module, and create a new patient

A lead that is converted to a patient will have a file no

The complete communication history of a lead

A lead can have a status. Every status can be set a weighttage,

Higher the weighttage more is the probability that

Weightage in a lead status means

Segment in leads is

Leads can be imported from an excel sheet

Leads can be exported in excel from the CRM

If you need to categorize leads into various categories assign them in different

Lead details auto captures any SMS communication with a lead

CallBox can be setup to ___________ different modes

Default search range in the inbox is

When setup to search by Doctor you can search the callbox by following

CallBox supports

You can filter out call and appointment in callbox as per following criteria

In CallBox if you want to book all appointments for 1 staff only you should

In CallBox if you want to select the doctor when making the appointment

If in CallBox Pref you do not set a default staff but you set a default resource, when you a make a new appointment in the callbox, which staff with the appointment get assigned to