Tag: website

  • 5 must have pages your clinic’s website cannot do without

    We will go over the 5 must-have pages your clinic’s website cannot do without: Homepage On a piece of paper first identify the keywords that define your expertise, your Specialty, or your Clinic. Also, generate synonyms for the identified keywords. Now using this pool of words generate the content, introducing yourself to the world, on…

  • 3 Must-Haves your Clinic’s Website cannot do without (Part II)

    This is the 2nd part of the article that talks about the MUST-HAVES for your clinic’s website. In case you missed the first part, here it is. Here we discuss the 3 Infrastructure points you must focus on, when getting a website built for your clinic Domain & Hosting A domain is your online address.…

  • 3 Must-Haves your Clinic’s Website cannot do without (Part I)

    Can you think back to the days without a mobile phone? Seems like the dark ages! That is how the world thinks of a business today which does not have an online presence or a website. There are 138 million[1] searches every hour, using google alone! Can you afford to be not found? However, you…

  • Be Seen, Get Heard – Branding for Clinics

    Clinics are atypically barred from marketing activities. However, that should not stop them from building an offline and online presence. In the increasingly loud and noisy world of subtle marketing and guerrilla strategies to brand recall, to not participate at all, will be detrimental to the long-term health of the clinic. So we have done…

  • 3 Things you must-check after your clinic’s website goes live

    After the website goes live, there are 3 things you must ensure are working as expected. They are as follows: Is the Website Responsive Traditional websites have a difficult time displaying themselves correctly on smaller screens of a tablet or a mobile. A “responsive” website on the other hand implies a website that renders itself…