Author: Rachana Suraiya

  • How Goliath lost to David in race to the best Clinic Management solution- Part IV

    [Guest post by clinicea – cloud software for clinic management] Rather than EMR + PMS, growing Clinic Chains needed a platform, that had a much wider surface area – that can execute complex scheduling for not just Physicians, but also Therapists, Consult Rooms, and Portable Equipment. Systems were needed that had highly specialised EMRs which…

  • How Goliath lost to David in race to the best Clinic Management solution- Part III

    In Part II of How Goliath lost to David in the race for the best Clinic Management solution, you saw how clinic management solution providers in India compromised on their pricing to get hold of the market. While those companies would eventually falter, and such plans would eventually reveal to the riders that your data can…

  • How Goliath lost to David in race to the best Clinic Management Solution- Part II

    The Indian market simply by virtue of coming late to the party had skipped through the perils, cost, and complexity of integration, and benefited with full-bodied unified products that were far more cost-effective and simple. However, India faced its own set of challenges, as EMR remained largely the stepson, with companies gravitating towards appointment booking,…

  • How Goliath lost to David in race to the best Clinic Management Solution- Part I

    An EMR (Electronic Medical Record) is software that you as a Physician would use to prescribe medications, order investigations, schedule follow-ups, write medical certificates and more. However, an EMR is not to be confused with only prescription writing software. It does help with prescription writing, but that is only a subset of what it can…

  • Brand vs Generic? Why not have both

    [Guest post by clinicea – cloud software for clinic management] In India, a lot of news is being made about the changed regulation, which makes it mandatory for Practitioners to put the name of Generics on prescriptions and not Brands. Contradictory media reports are not of much help. In this article, I will take you…

  • Being on a Cloud EMR, makes me safe. You are wrong!

    Being on Cloud EMR is better than being on a Web EMR, and even better than using a desktop EMR. However just because you are on the Cloud does not make you safe. This article will get your hands dirty and go a little deep and technical. However, if you stay with me all the…

  • Ransomware is coming to your Clinic, are you prepared?

    [Guest post by clinicea – cloud software for clinic management] Ransomware is a malicious software. It is operated by a bunch of criminals to make money off you. Before you brush this off as mumbo-jumbo technical stuff that is not relevant to you, let me explain why you would be terribly wrong. It no longer…

  • Healthcare Industries: contribution to Corporate Social Responsibility by going Green

    The aim of this blog is to reach out to individuals, SMEs, clinic chains and hospitals to lend a hand in the betterment of our environment, and society and saving the planet. Concerns about our deteriorating social and geographical environment have gained popularity in recent times. Global Warming, Deforestation, Oil Spills; you name it! Our…

  • How can a EMR make you, the patient, healthy

    [Guest post by clinicea – cloud software for clinic management] In the past, when you relocated, trying to get your health records to a new doctor was a near-impossible task. Many of us did not have the clarity or resources to accomplish this so we ended up filling out forms about our history, including previous…

  • Born in the Cloud – Born to Win

    So you just signed up for a new Clinic Management Platform. Great, the sales team of the software vendor has managed another 99 clinics to sign up this month. Assuming 6 people per clinic that’s 600 additional users who are going to hit the login button in the peak hour traffic at the same time.…